Want to set up a wireless Conference Room?Try Now

You have probably seen dozens of articles and studies that claim you need to paint your office space a certain color, have a certain type of furniture, or buy a trendy new decor piece in order to be successful. The design of your office influences your business, and there is one mistake that we are all doing. Office space isn’t reflecting company culture.
In the U.S., working professionals spend an average of 8.7 hours in the office each day. In a year, that amounts to roughly 1,790 hours. In another global study, it was ranked number 16 for work hours clocked. In other words, people worldwide are spending a lot of time in the office. What does that mean for your office space?
The physical office environment can have a significant impact on how people interact in an organization. Your office is a window into your company and its culture. When your space doesn’t reflect that, it gives clients and other visitors a poor impression and stifles business growth.
To revamp your office space in a way that more accurately reflects your company, follow this guide. If one of these attributes describes your culture, here’s how to capture it in your design.

  • Office design has a direct impact on collaboration. Google and Facebook may have launched the trend, but everyone seems to be embracing open-floor plans instead of cubicles. Companies that value teamwork are introducing more collaboration tools and spaces in order to encourage employees to work together.

Another trend popping up are recreational areas and games in the workplace. More offices are adding pool tables, board games, and other relaxation activities to bring employees together and create a fun environment.

Today, technology and innovation seem to go hand-in-hand too, which is why many companies that value innovation are also embracing new technologies in the workplace. The growing trend has given rise to tech solutions like wearable devices, wireless presentation software, and bring-your-own-devices (BYOD). Companies that claim that they are innovative, but still use old desktops or dated conference room equipment risk seeming dishonest.

  • Transparency has become an increasingly valuable attribute in the workplace. Some company leaders have implemented open-door policies by leaving the entrance to their private offices always open or choosing not to have a door at all. Others have suggestion boxes or regular feedback sessions with employees to show transparency.

Part of creating transparency is breaking down organizational and hierarchical silos. In order to do that, offices need to be more open and design spaces that make employees feel like other departments and executives are approachable.
Companies that have a clear, defined company culture should also have an office space that reflects it. Yet, many organizations fail to embed their culture into their design. Leaders can avoid making this one mistake by writing down the top cultural values in their organization. Then, they should ask if and how their workspaces reflects and promotes those values.