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As more organizations implement tech-driven initiatives, Chief Information Officers have more items on their agendas than ever before. However, some projects are garnishing more attention than others. CIOs are prioritizing their agendas and focusing on the most valuable tech projects for their organizations. Which types of projects are making it to the top of CIO’s list of priorities?
Meeting Rooms
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We spend an estimated 31 hours a month in unproductive meetings, according to a recent report by Atlassian. For executives, that number could reach 18 to 27 hours per week. Not only are some meetings considered unproductive, 47 percent of respondents in the study said that they were the biggest time-suck in the office, followed by Facebook.
Conducting meetings is a crucial part of running a business. They can help improve communication and increase productivity, if managed effectively. The problem is that meetings are often too long, and instead of using the time to work on projects, they are seen as time-fillers.
CEOs, CIOs, and other executives are tasked with finding a way to make meetings more secure and productive. There are several ways that companies can improve meetings in their workplace. For one, some are ditching the cables and other hardware for wireless presentation software, allowing them to simply plug in, cut time, and start presenting.
Secondly, many are adopting a “working meeting” model. They are using collaboration tools to work on projects together inside and outside of the meeting room. Others are spacing out long, formal meetings or replacing them altogether with short, quick 15 to 20 minute ones.
Cloud-Based Solutions
According to the 2015 Gartner CIO Agenda Report, cloud projects rank as one of the top three priorities for tech leaders this year. Although not at the top of the Gartner list, other reports suggest cloud projects are crucial. Companies are realizing the value that cloud-based software has in their business. Cloud computing is cutting infrastructure costs and making it easier for employees to collaborate on work from anywhere.
One survey even claimed that by 2020, 62 percent of organizations will be running their operations completely through the cloud. CIOs are looking for more ways to implement cloud-based solutions effectively and securely.
Security is continuously one of the top priorities for companies. With more demand for new technology in the workplace, leaders are faced with securing all these devices. Furthermore, the number of cyber attacks is increasing. Last year was even deemed the “year of data breaches,” with over 40 percent of companies reporting a breach.
CIOs are faced with embracing innovation while balancing it with data security, making it a top challenge for leaders in every industry.
Data and Analytics
In the Gartner report, business intelligence (BI) and analytics were ranked as the top CIO priority, with 50 percent of respondents naming it. Today, IT leaders are more involved with shaping both the employee and customer experience. Companies are increasingly relying on data to help them make informed, strategic decisions, and they are looking to tech leaders to help them do it.
Mobile Devices
The rise of mobile devices in the workplace is incredible. Companies are implementing wearable device programs, Bring-Your-Own-Device policies, and other mobile-inspired initiatives. As the workforce grows more mobile, and consumers demand more flexibility and personalization, tech leaders are expected to help create this mobile-friendly environment. Incorporating mobile solutions in business processes, securing them, and promoting innovative ways that they can improve performance, is becoming part of the job for some IT executives.
As technology use continues to boom in business, it seems like CIOs have even more items to tack onto their agendas. Companies are staying focused on tech projects that will have the most impact and improve their performance. Projects that involve data and analytics, meeting rooms, cloud-based solutions, security, and mobile devices will be at the top of those lists.