Want to set up a wireless Conference Room?Try Now

The decision to adopt new technology such as wireless presentation, can impact an entire organization. It can shift the ways in which teams perform and communicate. That decision is not always the easiest one to make. People, data, business operations and procedures have to be taken into consideration.
How can a CIO/CTO lead a charge that could impact the way an organization “lives?” There must be proper support and “buy in” across the company from the C-Suite to your employees. Ideally, you’ll want everyone to be on board with the proposed changes and accept them into their work practices.

The C-Suite

While many decisions can be made independently by the CIO or CTO, there needs to be consideration of the other executives to get their understanding and support as new technology will be passed onto their direct reports. Often times, you will need to provide analysis and recommendations to quantify and qualify the need for new technology. Cost and operational benefits need to be presented to show how the needs can be satisfied and how the changes will impact the business overall.

Human Resources

Changes to the company culture will impact its people. New technology adoption may require updated policies, training and new organizational structures. Teams may be merged or expanded to support new business models that come with the new technology. Performance levels and requirements may be modified. Human resources will need to be involved.
For example, Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policies will impact security and privacy. They will also add accountability and liability of individual employees and the reporting structure. Human resources would need to provide some direction in understanding and may have to amend their employee guidelines to support the policy and change.


Company/corporate communications will be central in providing education and updates related to new technology and the changes it will be bring. From announcement memos to posting new guidelines to any press releases to the public, communications is the news center of your business. New technology might also impact the way communication is disseminated throughout the organization. Therefore, you will need to work with them to ensure the right messages are being shared internally and externally.


New technology adoption may not be as intuitive as we would like it to be. New or upgraded software and hardware always requires a learning period for teams to get up to speed and feel comfortable working with it. Employees want to feel confident in their work, which includes the tools they use. Therefore, training can really win over the team in see how the new technology will help them do their job more efficiently.
Training should come directly from the IT team, or can be partnered with your company’s human resources or learning departments. Facilitation of training across the company will help others understand the work that other teams perform and their impact on the whole organization. The goal should be to optimize your business in an efficient, effective and seamless way.
Something “new” can disrupt business. Your company culture will continue to shift with each change and upgrade. It is on you and your IT department to provide not only the implementation but also the education and support necessary across the company. Getting the “buy-in” from colleagues and employees will make the transition go smoother and technology adoption quicker.

Want to set up a wireless Conference Room?Try Now

You’ve rallied the troops. Now it’s time to hunker down in the conference room. You and your team have a mission to accomplish, and you’re going to get it done no matter how long it takes.
But excessive mental strain can take its toll. Those who may have been energized at the beginning of a meeting may feel exhausted and defeated by the 20-minute mark and may need to be carried out on a stretcher by the end. To accomplish goals and ensure productivity, you want a team that is motivated, refreshed, and charged. And just as you wouldn’t drive from New York to L.A. without stopping for gas, it’s generally ill-advised to have a long meeting without organizing a break or two.
Tips to Organize Breaks in Your Work Sessions

  1. Set an agenda. Having an outline of what to cover and when sets expectations. Allow time for short breaks (10-15 minutes). If work is going all day or into the night, you may need to account for meal times. Include those into your agenda as well. The team will need to refuel to stay productive!
  2. Gauge the atmosphere. If you’re not able to set an agenda, try to get a feel of the room and the people in it. If there are lengthy periods of silence, it may be time for a break. Give the team a chance to take a short walk, grab some water or coffee, check email, etc.
  3. Get some exercise. A quick stretch can keep the mind limber. If things get sluggish around the table, get everything to stand up, run in place, get the energy flowing and then get back to work. Movement can be as refreshing as a nap. It also can jumpstart productivity in the room.
  4. Grab a bite. You may not be yourself when you’re hungry. The same may go for your team. Set aside a lunch or snack break. If you can have snacks available in the room, great. Allow people to grab something as the meeting continues on. Otherwise, have a meal together and talk about things other than your work project. It’s a great to learn about each other and create bonds.
  5. Introduce the Pomodoro Technique. Need to structure your work/break balance? The Pomodoro Technique may just be the lifesaver your team needs! Named after an Italian cooking timer shaped like a tomato, the technique is simple: Work for 25 minutes, take a 5-minute-long break, then work for another 25 minutes. You can adjust to meet your team’s needs. Having a Pomodoro app, stopwatch, or alarm clock can help manage your time to allow everyone to focus on the task at hand and take much-needed rests.
  6. Utilize Conference Room Technology. Meetings can be boring, especially when they last longer than the Lord of the Rings trilogy. During breaks, it might be best for users to learn about new technologies that the organization will be rolling out or new products that will be introduced to the whole organization. For example, letting users’ try out a new wireless presentation tool will allow them to give feedback, and get a feel for the product prior to deployment. This will help the IT Department with the evaluation process as well. This can both be fun and educating for users.

Locking your team in a room until a solution is found may sound like a great thing. It may force everyone to work hard together in situations where they may not have done without a push. However, you could be creating a pressure cooker effect, if you don’t allow everyone time to catch their breath.
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