Today’s conference room technology opens the paths of communication between people, platforms, and devices. With greater exposure, there could be significant risks if the right security measures aren’t taken. The purpose of enterprise security is no longer just to keep internal network data where it belongs in a central location. It has expanded to ensure data is protected across multiple access points in and out of your organization.
Enterprise security is like driving a car. Really.
The term “The Information Superhighway” has become a well-worn cliche, and it’s easy to understand why: It’s the perfect metaphor for how electronic information travels. Some cars drive carefully, protecting their vehicle (data) and their passengers (the organization). Some cars are looking to get to where they need to go without pause, quickly cutting off others. Some drivers don’t have valid licences while others are driving in cars that have been stolen.
Traditionally, the common approach to security on the information superhighway was to look at it as an everyone-for-themselves type situation. However, in enterprise security, you’re looking out for everyone who is connected to you in and out of the main office while protecting your data and organization. Traditional security may look at the immediate moment. If all seems clear and things were okay until that point without fail, then it’s time to get moving. Enterprise security is like listening to the traffic report, plotting the best path using GPS or Google Maps and checking your car before you hit the road.
So what exactly is it?
It’s really a holistic approach to managing your data and protecting your company’s interests. To maintain government and internal security compliance amidst rapidly changing technology, you have to look at where your data is sourced, stored, and delivered. Data comes in various formats, including paper. Information is being transferred from hand to hand and across internal and external devices between you, your colleagues, clients, and vendors. You certainly don’t want to get it into the wrong hands!
Your IT teams are programming and providing support to make sure data flows and processes are working as intended. They also are striving to put safety measures in place to be proactive in defending, protecting, and serving the entire organization. In some fashion, they are the police force of your company’s information cache. They are also working towards ensuring that no breaches or gaps in system communications could pose a potential threat to your business and its privacy. To this end, the infrastructure needs to be designed to support the expanding technology and means in which people access and transfer information.
While IT security teams have always been mindful of this, on an enterprise level it’s now a matter of securing data outside of “headquarters.” Think about virtual teams, using multiple devices, including BYOD (“Bring Your Own Device”). Whether it’s requiring pass codes on personal smartphones or tablets or restricting access to specific IP addresses, enterprise security is what will help your organization maintain government and internal compliance, keep personal and business information safe, and solidify trust with clients and vendors.
Be prepared.
Certainly, one cannot always predict when a breach, hack, or virus will hit your system, just as you can’t predict a car crash. However, with enterprise security, one can be prepared and stay aware. It may require changes to the data architecture. It may require additional resources. Being connected to the outside and ensuring all is secure beyond your company’s walls will put you ahead of the game when the hard times come. Just like being on the road, you can protect and defend yourself with the right systems and processes in place.